Alain Tschudin
Military nightmares, martial fantasies

Military nightmares, martial fantasies

Nigeria: 20 years of democracy Political scientists agree that unfettered access to oil cash was a key factor in the character and duration of military rule in Nigeria Until the return to civil rule in 1999, the...

The facts are stubborn

The facts are stubborn

Rwanda: the genocide archives Amid mounting calls for an honest investigation into the Rwandan genocide, the UN and certain governments appear to be opposing full disclosure “Everyday we learn to forgive,” President...

A brotherhood of man

A brotherhood of man

Senegal: Mouridism and identity The Mourides, who represent a black Senegalese version of Islam, have helped to inform nationalism in the country Earlier this year I was sitting on the TGV high-speed train travelling...

The West African kingdom that became a country

The West African kingdom that became a country

Togo: the German legacy Togo’s accession to the modern age of international politics could be said to have begun in July 1884, when the protectorate treaty with Germany was signed In 1883, the German chancellor, Otto...

Controversial and problematic

Controversial and problematic

South Africa: lessons from history South Africa’s history syllabus had to be replaced after apartheid ended, but new recommendations could be a step back into the past All governments, no matter the country, try and...