Photo courtesy University of the Witwatersrand

GGA mourns the passing of Ivor Sarakinsky, an associate professor in the Wits School of Governance (WSG) and a member of the editorial advisory board of The Africa Governance Papers.

Professor Sarakinsky passed away on 17 September 2021 due to ill-health. In its tribute to him, Wits notes that he taught for 15 years at the university. A distinguished researcher in politics, he was also keenly interested in the complex procedures of academic life and served on many committees. Most recently he was the Academic Director of the WSG. He also had public sector experience, having served as the national chief director for the Green Economy in the Economic Development Department.

As a political philosopher, he was interested in public governance, the green economy and the writings of great figures in the discipline, including Hegel and Marx. He also devoted his sharp intelligence and sense of engagement to consulting projects: he helped to develop NEPAD’s African Peer Review Mechanism governance assessment methodology and worked with municipalities on their green economy strategies and implementation processes.

Professor Sarakinsky published in a number of top-rated international and national scholarly journals and was also a frequent commentator in the media, as well as writing opinion pieces on aspects of governance, public policy and ethics. Wits noted that “his candour, sharp commentary and wit” were greatly appreciated, and that he was often called upon to moderate academic and public events.

GGA is honoured that Professor Sarakinsky agreed to serve on the advisory board of its new peer-reviewed, academic research journal, The Africa Governance Papers. He was very supportive of the journal and noted that it was a timely and necessary addition to academic publishing on the topic of governance. His passing is indeed a huge loss to Wits, his colleagues, students, family and friends, and to GGA.

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Richard Jurgens is a former editor of GGA’s flagship publication, Africa in Fact, and has been appointed as editor of GGA’s peer-reviewed academic journal, The Africa Governance Papers. He spent 10 years in exile with the ANC in Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe, as well as the Netherlands. He has worked in mainstream media, alternative media, the corporate world and for NGOs internationally and in South Africa. A published author with a memoir, a novel and several books of poetry to his name, he has a BA (Hons) in philosophy and is currently completing a Research Master’s degree in public policy studies at the University of the Witwatersrand’s School of Governance.