Leleti Maluleke
Leleti Maluleke is a Researcher for our Human Security and Climate Change programme. She completed her Bachelor of Political Science in Political Studies in 2017, and her Honours in International Relations in 2018 at the University of Pretoria. She started her career at International SOS in the Security Services department as a Political Risk and Security Intern. Socially, her countries of interests include Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi.  
The curse of sexual terrorism

The curse of sexual terrorism

UN Women estimates that 15 million adolescent girls worldwide have experienced forced sex. In Nigeria alone a 2014 national survey found that one in four girls experience sexual violence, defined as “all forms of sexual abuse and exploitation”, including rape. Many...

Nuclear power lite: Energy solution for South Africa

Nuclear power lite: Energy solution for South Africa

For more than a decade, poor energy reliability in South Africa has had a crippling effect on the country’s economic development. According to a report by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South Africa experienced 859 hours of rolling...

Weighing the cost of going green

Weighing the cost of going green

What started as a single COVID-19 case has caused a contraction of about 2% in GDP in sub-Saharan Africa. As of 2020, the African Development Bank (AfDB) estimated that Africa would need at least $500 billion to rebuild economies. The pandemic caused massive economic...

Climate finance and COP26 – A key issue for Africa

Climate finance and COP26 – A key issue for Africa

After being postponed by a year due to COVID-19, the United Kingdom will host the long-anticipated 26th annual United Nations Global Climate Summit (COP26) in Glasgow in November. Experts agree that the window for limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees above...

Climate change action requires climate change literacy

Climate change action requires climate change literacy

Five African presidents were invited by President Biden to join him at the Leaders’ Summit on Climate on April 22 and 23, 2021, where 40 world leaders met virtually to discuss strengthening climate action and explore climate change mitigation and adaptation...

Leleti Maluleke
Leleti Maluleke is a Researcher for our Human Security and Climate Change programme. She completed her Bachelor of Political Science in Political Studies in 2017, and her Honours in International Relations in 2018 at the University of Pretoria. She started her career at International SOS in the Security Services department as a Political Risk and Security Intern. Socially, her countries of interests include Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi.  
The curse of sexual terrorism

The curse of sexual terrorism

UN Women estimates that 15 million adolescent girls worldwide have experienced forced sex. In Nigeria alone a 2014 national survey found that one in four girls experience sexual violence, defined as “all forms of sexual abuse and exploitation”, including rape. Many...

Weighing the cost of going green

Weighing the cost of going green

What started as a single COVID-19 case has caused a contraction of about 2% in GDP in sub-Saharan Africa. As of 2020, the African Development Bank (AfDB) estimated that Africa would need at least $500 billion to rebuild economies. The pandemic caused massive economic...